Growth on the Window Sill 3 Months & 5 Days

While one of the seedlings has been making excellent progress, the other is looking rather sad, and the third has been replanted in the studio as a tester.

Even the one that is thriving has not yet bloomed, which is slightly worrying as there is not much time left. The possibility of having to replant an already blooming plant is beginning to seem more likely.

Growth on the Window Sill – 2 Months & 4 Days Later


Months later and all three plants have been growing on the window sill very successfully. The plan remains to allow them to grow for as long as possible on the window sill and then replant them inside the pipes I will install in the studio.

This experiment of sorts proves to me that the plants are not impossibly hard to grow, just that they will not sprout in the studio.

It is unfortunate that the seeds planted in the studio failed in terms of my concept. I think that the temperature and light in many locations around the studio were not ideal and the space for growth was very limited, resulting in the seeds just not being able to sprout. I was also unable to give the seeds as much attention as is needed in the early stages of growth.

Planting – Growth on the Window Sill

7 days ago I planted 3 types of seed in small containers that I have kept on the window sill. This is a sort of contingency plan as the growth progress in the seeds planted directly in the studio is pretty much non existent.

The three types of seed are:

  1. Marigold Tall Scotch Prize
  2. Dahlia Mignon Mixed
  3. Sweet Sultan Mixed


Even though it has only been a few days since planting, the seedlings are making very good progress in the optimal conditions on my window sill. The plan is to allow the plants to establish themselves and then replant them in the studio if the ones currently planted in the studio fail.